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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records

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C. Hein; Y. van Mil; L. Ažman-Momirski Port City Atlas - Mapping European Port City Territories

A multitude of port cities dots Europe’s coastline, all serving to facilitate maritime transportation. Over millennia, public and private leaders have built harbours, urban spaces and infrastructures in diverse territories to serve hinterlands, including landlocked capital cities and metropolitan areas. As nodes on the edge of water and land, port city territories embody knowledge on maritime flows and water conditions. At a time of climate change, they can be paradigms and stewards of sustainable development. Taking a comprehensive, mapping based approach, 'Port City Atlas' visualises 100 port city territories located on four seas and connected through shared waters.
  •  Port City Atlas - Mapping European Port City Territories
45€ Buy


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