Sam Knee The bag I'm in Book
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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records
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Briar Levit Sobre Design, Feminismo e Amizade Bikini Books, Clube Do Livro Do Design -BOOK
Briar Levit On Design, Feminism, and Friendship Bikini Books, Clube Do Livro Do Design -BOOK
Leigh Gruwell Making Matters : Craft, Ethics, and New Materialist Rhetorics University Press Of Colorado -BOOK
Tamara Hartman, Ans Sarianamual, Mirelle van Tulder, Tabea Nixdorff Archival Textures - Republishing: Umoja Zwarte Vrouwenkrant Archival Textures -BOOK
Sarah Shin, Irene Revell Bodies of Sound : Becoming a Feminist Ear Silver Press -BOOK
Rachel Dedman Stitching the Intifada: Embroidery and Resistance in Palestine Common Threads Press -BOOK
Sharbreon Plummer Diasporic Threads - Black Women, Fibre & Textiles Common Threads Press -BOOK
Gill Crawshaw Rights Not Charity - Protest Textiles and Disability Activism Common Threads Press -BOOK
Common Threads Norfolk Trans Joy Community Quilt Zine Common Threads Press -BOOK
Isabella Rosner Stitching Freedom - Embroidery and Incarceration Common Threads Press -BOOK
Sally Stein Migrant Mother, Migrant Gender Mack Books -BOOK
Elizabeth Groeneveld Lesbian Porn Magazines and the Sex Wars Routledge -BOOK
Ursula K. Le Guin The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction Cosmogenesis -BOOK
Michelle Millar Fisher, Amber Winick Designing Motherhood : Things that Make and Break Our Births Mit Press -BOOK
Stephanie Haerdle, Elisabeth Lauffer Juice : A History of Female Ejaculation Mit Press -BOOK
Nansen Issue 03: MUZHGAN SAMARQANDI: The Reed Flute’s Friend Nansen -MAGAZINE
AnnaMaria Pinaka Porno-graphing Onomatopee -FANZINE
Luis Alvarado and Alejandra Cárdenas Switched On – The Dawn of Electronic Sound by Latin American Women Contigent Sounds -BOOK
Joy Gregory Shining Lights: Black Women Photographers in 1980s–90s Britain Mack Books -BOOK
Marge Monko/Thomas Seelig Diamonds against Stones Spector Books -BOOK
Morgane Billuart Cycles, the Sacred and the Doomed - Inquiries in Female Health Technologies Set Margins -BOOK
Mona Chollet In Defense of Witches : The Legacy of the Witch Hunts and Why Women Are Still on Trial St. Martin's Griffin -BOOK
Al Hayya Magazine Issue 3: Everything is on the table Al Hayya Magazine -MAGAZINE
V/A Women in Revolt! : Art and Activism in the UK 1970–90 Tate Publishing -BOOK
Barbara Burman, Ariane Fennetaux The Pocket : A Hidden History of Women's Lives, 1660–1900 Yale University Press -BOOK
Gaze ISSUE 5 2022 Gaze Magazine -MAGAZINE
T.M. Cabrera Not My Sister - Proletarian Women Define the Battle Lines slide 3 of 2 Onomatopee -BOOK
Cosey Fanni Tutti Re-Sisters : The Lives and Recordings of Delia Derbyshire, Margery Kempe and Cosey Fanni Tutti Faber & Faber -BOOK
Alison Place Feminist Designer : On the Personal and the Political in Design Mit Press -BOOK
Jehan Helou Making Palestine's History : Women's Testimonies Spokesman Books -BOOK
P.S. Montes; G. Didi-Huberman; S. Rocha; T. Pardo Hysteria - The Transgression of Desire This Side Up -BOOK
GRAPEFRUITS #06 Rhythm Grapefruits -FANZINE
Angela Davis Mulheres, Raça e Classe Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Françoise Vergès Um Feminismo Decolonial Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Francoise d'Eaubonne Feminism or Death:How the Women's Movement Can Save the Planet Verso Books -BOOK
Joanna Walsh Girl Online:A User Manual Verso Books -BOOK
JoAnn Wypijewski What We Don't Talk About:Sex and the Mess of Life Verso Books -BOOK
João Aveiro (She)nthesizer Ed. Autor -BOOK
Alexis Pauline Gumbs Dub : Finding Ceremony Duke University Press -BOOK
Maternal Fantasies Re-Assembling Motherhood(s) - On Radical Care And Collective Art As Feminist Practices Onomatopee -BOOK
Emma Lewis Photography - A Feminist History Tate / Octopus Publishing Group -BOOK
Anneke Jaspers, Hannah Matews Vivienne Binns : On and Through the Surface Power Publications -BOOK
Kumari Jayawardena, Rafia Zakaria Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World Verso Books -BOOK
Charlotte Mullins A Little Feminist History of Art Tate Publishing -BOOK
Viscose #4 – Trans Viscose Journal -BOOK
Toby Mott Showboat Dashwood Books -BOOK
Kim Gordon Chronicles – Vol.3 Nieves -FANZINE
Martha Mockus Sounding Out: Pauline Oliveros and Lesbian Musicality Taylor & Francis Ltd -BOOK
Daphne A. Brooks Liner Notes for the Revolution : The Intellectual Life of Black Feminist Sound Harvard University Press -BOOK
Kal Rituals Rituals - The Many Headed Hydra Magazine Kal -MAGAZINE
Carmen Winant Instructional Photography: Learning How to Live Now Spbh Editions -BOOK
Maryam Fanni, Matilda Flodmark and Sara Kaaman Inimigas Naturais dos Livros (Ed. PT) Clube Do Livro De Design -BOOK
Matrix Women and The Man-Made Environment Verso -BOOK
Msheresies #2 - Useful Work Versus Useless Toil Msheresies -MAGAZINE
Espace art actuel #130 – Space Feminisme Espace -MAGAZINE
Kim Gordon Is It My Body? Selected Texts Sternberg Press -BOOK
Denise Ferreira da Silva Unpayable Debt Sternberg Press -BOOK
ZINES #4-2022 – An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media Zines -MAGAZINE
Birgit Bosold, Lena Fritsch, Vera Hofmann, Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg Radicalizing Care – Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating Sternberg Press -BOOK
Janine Wiedel Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp 1983-84 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
J. Van Der Veer Design In Conservative Times In Between Making Great Things And Making Things Great Again Onomatopee -BOOK
Janet Biehl Their Blood Got Mixed : Revolutionary Rojava and the War on ISIS Pm Press -BOOK
Janina Ramirez Femina Ebury Publishing -BOOK
Monica Sjoo Artist, activist, writer, mother, warrior Legion Project -FANZINE
Catherine D'Ignazio, Lauren F. Klein Data Feminism Mit Press -BOOK
Mickaël Correia Uma História Popular do Futebol Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Silvia Federici Calibã e a Bruxa - As Mulheres, o Corpo e a Acumulação Original Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Judith Butler Problemas de Género — Feminismo e Subversão da Identidade Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Bell Hooks Não serei eu mulher? — As mulheres negras e o feminismo Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Luci Gutiérrez Manual de Autodefesa Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Legacy Russell Glitch Feminism : A Manifesto Verso Books -BOOK
Vivien Goldman Revenge of the She-Punks : Poly Styrene to Pussy Riot Omnibus Press -BOOK
Ellen Koskoff A Feminist Ethnomusicology : Writings on Music and Gender University Of Illinois Press -BOOK
Libby Sellers Women Design : Pioneers from the twentieth century to today Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd -BOOK
Liam Warfield, Walter Crasshole, Yony Leyser Queercore : How to Punk a Revolution: An Oral History Pm Press -BOOK
Another Gaze — a feminist film journal #5 Another Gaze -MAGAZINE
Ellen, Jennifer Tobias Extra Bold - A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-Racist, Nonbinary Field Guide for Graphic Designers Princeton Architectural Press -BOOK
Silvia Federici Witches, Witch-hunting, And Women Mit Press -BOOK
Robin Blaetz Women's Experimental Cinema : Critical Frameworks Duke University Press -BOOK
GRAPEFRUITS #05 Punk Grapefruits -FANZINE
Defne Ayas, Natasha Ginwala, Jill Winder Stronger Than Bone – On Feminism(s) Archive Books -BOOK
Želimir Žilnik Feminist Takes – “Early Works” by Želimir Žilnik Sternberg Press -BOOK
Marie-Ève Charron, Marie-Josée Lafortune, Thérèse St-Gelais Archi-Feministes! Contemporary Art, Feminist Theories Optica -BOOK
Charlotte Dew Women For Peace - Banners From Greenham Common Four Corners -BOOK
Simone Forti News Animations Nero Editions -BOOK
Tara Rodgers Pink Noises Duke University Press -BOOK
V/A A Documentary HerStory of Women Artists in Revolution Primary Information -BOOK
Moan Issue Three Moan Zine -MAGAZINE
Maryanne Amacher Selected Writings and Interviews Blank Forms -BOOK
Msheresies #3 - Amniotechnics Msheresies -MAGAZINE
Olga Bushkova How I Tried To Convince My Husband To Have Children Witty Press -BOOK
DNA #6 - Carrier Bag Fiction Spector Books -MAGAZINE
Dorothy Iannone Eros Paintings Cec -BOOK
Trans / Gender Autumn 2003 Trans / Gender -MAGAZINE
Anja Kaiser, Rebecca Stephany Glossary of Undisciplined Design Spector Books -BOOK
Ilse Lafer Deculturalize Mousse Publishing -BOOK
Girls Like Us #13 Girls Like Us -MAGAZINE
Edith Heath Philosophies Information Office -BOOK
Kathleen Reinhardt 1 Million Roses for Angela Davis / 1 Million Rosen für Angela Davis Mousse Publishing -BOOK
V/A Grounds for Possible Music – On Gender, Voice, Language, and Identity Errant Bodies -BOOK
GRAPEFRUITS #04 Intallations Grapefruits -FANZINE
GRAPEFRUITS #02 Performance Grapefruits -FANZINE
GRAPEFRUITS #01 Imaginary Sound Grapefruits -FANZINE
Bice Curiger, Stefan Zweifel Ausbruch & Rausch - Frauen Kunst Punk 1975-1980 Edition Patrick Frey -BOOK
Ernst Van Alphen Shame! And Masculinity Valiz -BOOK
Gemma Villegas Fanzine Grrrls - The DIY Revolution In Female Self-Publication Monsa -BOOK
Maryam Fanni, Matilda Flodmark and Sara Kaaman The Natural Enemies of Books: A Messy History of Women in Printing and Typography Occasional Papers -BOOK
Kirsten Grimstad and Susan Rennie The New Woman’s Survival Catalog Primary Information -BOOK
Riposte 12 Riposte -MAGAZINE
V/A Womens Work Primary Information -BOOK
The Second Shelf 02 - Rare Books and Words by Women The Second Shelf -MAGAZINE
V/A See Red - Women's Workshop - Feminist Posters 1974-1990 Four Corners -BOOK
Thomas W Laqueur Solitary Sex - A Cultural History of Masturbation Zone Books -BOOK
mag@zine Issue 2 - Print Gender Sex Artbook @ Moma Ps1 -MAGAZINE
Cause & Effect Issue 1 Cause & Effect -MAGAZINE
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