Sam Knee The bag I'm in Book
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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records
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Briar Levi Sobre Design, Feminismo e Amizade Bikini Books, Clube Do Livro Do Design -BOOK
Briar Levit On Design, Feminism, and Friendship Bikini Books, Clube Do Livro Do Design -BOOK
Gonçalo Duarte Poster 16 -POSTER
Gonçalo Duarte Poster 15 Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Viscose #7 - Scent Viscose Journal -BOOK
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Petra Schmidt, Evelyn Steiner, Sara Zeller Design for All? Inclusive Design Today Spector Books -BOOK
Cecilia Casabona, Ginevra Petrozzi (Eds.) Death Design Data Onomatopee -BOOK
Melani De Luca Steve: A Framework for AI and Identity Design Set Margins -BOOK
Ian Lynam Fracture – Japanese Graphic Design 1875–1975 Set Margins -BOOK
The New Era Magazine 5 Arvinius + Orfeus Publishing -MAGAZINE
Silvio Lorusso Entreprecariat - Everyone Is An Entrepreneur Nobody Is Safe Onomatopee -BOOK
Melissa Bremmer, Emiel Heijnen, Folkert Haanstra Wicked Arts Education: Designing Creative Programmes Valiz -BOOK
Faire #46: To look at things – A calculated approach: Norm's unreasonable reasonableness Revue Faire -MAGAZINE
Sara & André L de Liberdade (assinado) Self Publish -POSTER
Designers Portugueses 01 – João Machado Esad Idea -BOOK
Pedro Carvalho de Almeida Sapatilhas - Marcas Portuguesas ao Virar do Milénio Esad Idea -BOOK
V/A Dwelling in Transition Esad Idea -BOOK
V/A Que Força É Essa Esad Idea -BOOK
José Bártolo Jorge Silva Para Ser Eterno Basta Ser Um Livro Esad Idea -BOOK
Alice Rawsthorn , Paola Antonelli Design Emergency : Building a Better Future Phaidon -BOOK
Victionary Image for A Book on Books : New Aesthetics in Book Design Click to enlarge A Book on Books : New Aes Viction Workshop Ltd -BOOK
Department of Speculative Facts Speculative Facts Onomatopee -BOOK
Richard Sennett Democracy and Urban Form Sternberg Press -BOOK
The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023 The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023 Federal Office Of Culture Bern -BOOK
M. Rasch; H. Staal; J. Gijsen Hands on research for artists, designers & educators Set Margins' -BOOK
The Mag.Net Reader 3 - Processual Publishing - Actual Gestures Mute Publishing Ltd -BOOK
Ross Lovegrove, Anna Puigjaner, Juli Capella, et al. Sketchbook: The Industrial Design of Oscar Tusquets Blanca Apartamento -BOOK
Sam Ashby Little Joe: A book about queers and cinema, mostly Spbh Editions -BOOK
Archivio The Design Issue N°10 Archivio -MAGAZINE
Ariella Aisha Azoulay Potential History : Unlearning Imperialism Verso Books -BOOK
Lydia Kallipoliti Histories of Ecological Design : An Unfinished Cyclopedia Actar Publishers -BOOK
Sara & André L de Liberdade Self Publish -POSTER
Janelle Rebel Bibliographic Performances & Surrogate Readings The Everyday Press -BOOK
Orlando Brunner Archeology of Consequent Forms Public Knowledge Books -BOOK
Adbusters AB 169 (NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2023 VOLUME 31 NUMBER 5) Adbusters -MAGAZINE
Michelle Millar Fisher, Amber Winick Designing Motherhood : Things that Make and Break Our Births Mit Press -BOOK
Eva Díaz The Experimenters: Chance and Design at Black Mountain College University Of Chicago Press -BOOK
Tools Tools #04 –To Cut Tools Magazine -MAGAZINE
Jolanthe Kugler, Anniina Koivu (Eds.) We Will Survive – The prepper movement Mudac (lausanne's Museum Of Contemporary Design And Applied Arts) -BOOK
German A. Duarte, Andrea Facchetti, Seçil Uğur Yavuz (Eds.) Towards the Realm of Materiality – Designing Philip K. Dick's Non-Existing Technologies Nero -BOOK
Jehanne Dautrey, Emanuele Quinz (Eds.) Strange Design Les Presses Du Réel -BOOK
Alice Twemlow; Tânia A. Cardoso Walking as Research Practice Roma Publications -BOOK
Bruno Munari Square, Circle, Triangle Princeton Architectural Press -BOOK
Victionary NEW FOLK ART : Design inspired by folklore and traditional craft Victionary -BOOK
Daniel Barber , Carola Hein , Stephan Rammler Transform! Design and the Future of Energy Vitra Design Museum -BOOK
Ruben Pater The Politics of Design : A (Not So) Global Design Manual for Visual Communication Bis Publishers B.v. -BOOK
Louçã Parto Doivo Oficina Arara -POSTER
Mike Diana sem título Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Maria Bernardino sem título Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Gonçalo Duarte Poster 14 Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Catarina Real untitled (3) Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Sandra Matos sem título Ed. Autor -POSTER
Catarina Real Untitled (2) Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Sofia Pires Sem Titulo (Ed. 30) Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Catarina Real Untitled (1) Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
See All This 32: Bijoy Jain See All This -MAGAZINE
A Magazine 27: Curated by Glenn Martens A Magazine -BOOK
João Alves Inner Paths - 0 The Fool Magma Bruta -PRINT
Chloe Bertron Inner Paths - II The High Priestess Magma Bruta -PRINT
Louka Butzbach Inner Paths - V The Hierophant Magma Bruta -PRINT
Marta Medem Inner Paths - VII The Chariot Magma Bruta -PRINT
Braulio Amado Inner Paths - XVII The Star Magma Bruta -PRINT
Daniel Lima Inner Paths - XIX The Sun Magma Bruta -PRINT
Hektor Rotweiller Spirals 2 Dum Ditty Dum Other Forms -FANZINE
Gene Booth and Jack Henrie Fisher Spirals 1 Dum Ditty Dum Other Forms -FANZINE
V/A Miscellaneous Insurrectionary Macroinstructions Other Forms -FANZINE
Jack Henrie Fisher Class is formed through the language of class struggle and it, it through struggle, the possibility Other Forms -BOOK
Counter-Signals 5 - Systems and their Discontents Other Forms -BOOK
Resampled. Rudeboys Mascots From The Early Hardcore Jungle Rave Scene Klasse Wrecks -BOOK
Dungeon Acid KFAXXX Klasse Wrecks -BOOK
Lisa Walker Jewellery Drawings Dent-de-leone -BOOK
Bibliomancer Binding the Devil - A Bibliomancers Publication Bibliomancer -BOOK
Martino Gamper Hook Book Dent-de-leone -BOOK
Current Obsession Paper Paper For Munich Jewellery Week 2024 Current Obsession -MAGAZINE
Matt Owens A Visible Distance Craft, Creativity, and the Business of Design Set Margins -BOOK
Thatcher Keats Branded Bronx Bags Blurring Books -BOOK
Adam Griffiths Mobile Mania No.2 Mobile Mania -BOOK
Archivio #1 – Records Store Ads and Paper Ephemera from Rave fanzines of the early 90s Archivio -MAGAZINE
Sofie Verclyte et al. Migrating Heritage Ape -BOOK
Astrid Chabbot Les Nouvelles Bibliographies Ed. Autor -MAGAZINE
João Castro Enquanto Se Azula Faz-se Pôr-Do-Sol Vai Vem -BOOK
Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink Made in China, Designed in California, Criticised in Europe : Design Manifesto Bis Publishers B.v. -BOOK
Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby Speculative Everything : Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming Mit Press -BOOK
Susan Brown, Alexa Griffith Winton A Dark, A Light, A Bright : The Designs of Dorothy Liebes Yale University Press -BOOK
Noemi Biasetton, Silvio Lorusso Superstorm: Design and Politics in the Age of Information Onomatopee -BOOK
Fazer #2 Design é um verbo Fazer -MAGAZINE
Hugo Oliveira 7inch Vinyl Adapter Ed. Autor -POSTCARD
Simon Moretti Abacus Ridinghouse -BOOK
Victor Papanek The Green Imperative : Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture Thames & Hudson Ltd -BOOK
Pedro Moura Carvalho Unearthed : Twentieth-Century Ceramic Art from Portugal Arnoldsche -BOOK
Leonorana No 7 We Care a Lot Leonorana -MAGAZINE
Charlie Engman Hello Chaos, a Love Story: The Disorder of Seeing and Being Seen Spbh Editions -BOOK
Ian Lynam War with Myself Essays on Design, Culture & Violence Set Margins -BOOK
Patricio Davila Diagrams of Power Visualizing, Mapping, and Performing Resistance Set Margins -BOOK
Josef Muller-Brockmann The Graphic Artist and his Design Problems Niggli Verlag -BOOK
Ellen Lupton Thinking with Type : A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, and Students (3rd Edition, Re Chronicle Books -BOOK
Ellen Lupton Thinking With Type (2nd Edition) Princeton Architectural Press -BOOK
Josh Donald Sharp : The Definitive Introduction to Knives, Sharpening, and Cutting Techniques, with Recipes from Chronicle Books -BOOK
Alessandro Ludovico Tactical Publishing : Using Senses, Software, and Archives in the Twenty-First Century Mit Press -BOOK
Hugo Palmarola, Eden Medina, Pedro Alonso How to Design a Revolution: The Chilean Road to Design Lars Muller Publishers -BOOK
V/A Handle with Care: Unpacking a Bulky Table Spector Books -BOOK
V/A The New Designer – Design as a profession Schools of Departure No. 2 Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Decolonising Design Education Schools of Departure No. 1 Spector Books -BOOK
Bruther Shelf Spector Books -BOOK
David Bergé Bialetti: A catalogue Spector Books -BOOK
Edition Bauhaus 38 - Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau/Christian Hiller/Stephan Müller Human – Space – Machine Stage experiments at the Bauhaus Spector Books -BOOK
Apartamento Casa Dalí, Coco Capitán Apartamento -BOOK
Martí Guixé; Inga Knölke Intertwingled | The role of the rug in the arts, crafts and design Corraini Edizioni -BOOK
Christine Schranz Commons in Design Valiz -BOOK
Vivian Toh , Jay Lim Riso Art: A Creative's Guide to Mastering Risography Hoaki -BOOK
Adam Rowe , Vincent Di Fate Worlds Beyond Time : Sci-Fi Art of the 1970s Abrams -BOOK
Peter Golding , Barry Miles Rock Graphic Originals : Revolutions in Sonic Art from Plate to Print ’55–’88 Thames & Hudson Ltd -BOOK
V/A Seeing Making: Room for Thought Inventory Press Llc -BOOK
Resampled. Tapeworks - Art & Design of 80s Experimental Electronic Music Resampled. -BOOK
Maria Manuela Restivo Panos Estampados - Da Fábrica Gondomarinho Casa Do Vinhal / Estúdio Do Alhures -BOOK
Ian Lynam The Failed Painter Or: Unchained by Material Anxiety Set Margins -BOOK
Kevin Yuen Kit Lo Design Against Design Cause and consequence of a dissident graphic practice Set Margins -BOOK
Enzo Mari Autoprogettazione? Corraini Edizioni -BOOK
Henk van Houtum Free the Map - From Atlas to Hermes: a New Cartography of Borders and Migration Nai010 Publishers -BOOK
Rick Poynor Why Graphic Culture Matters Occasional Papers -BOOK
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