Sam Knee The bag I'm in Book
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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records
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Melani De Luca Steve: A Framework for AI and Identity Design Set Margins -BOOK
Ian Lynam Fracture – Japanese Graphic Design 1875–1975 Set Margins -BOOK ALGOFFSHORE - The Art of Automating Tax Evasion Set Margins -BOOK
Angela Serino Configurations of Time: Imagining Other Temporalities in the Artist Residency Set Margins -BOOK
M. Rasch; H. Staal; J. Gijsen Hands on research for artists, designers & educators Set Margins' -BOOK
Freek Lomme Care where no-one does - A grassroots style guide to progressive cultural production Set Margins -BOOK
Matt Owens A Visible Distance Craft, Creativity, and the Business of Design Set Margins -BOOK
V/A The Fair Kin Arts Almanac Set Margins -BOOK
Ian Lynam War with Myself Essays on Design, Culture & Violence Set Margins -BOOK
Patricio Davila Diagrams of Power Visualizing, Mapping, and Performing Resistance Set Margins -BOOK
Aldo Giannotti the upside-down museum practice-based institutional critique, working up from the actual museum flo Set Margins -BOOK
Simona Bortis-Schultz To Hold Your Heart in Your Teeth, Women’s Work The Visual Language of the Romanian Blouse Set Margins -BOOK
Ian Lynam The Failed Painter Or: Unchained by Material Anxiety Set Margins -BOOK
Morgane Billuart Cycles, the Sacred and the Doomed - Inquiries in Female Health Technologies Set Margins -BOOK
Kevin Yuen Kit Lo Design Against Design Cause and consequence of a dissident graphic practice Set Margins -BOOK
Demian Conrad, Rob van Leijsen, David Héritier (Eds.) Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age A Survey of Practices Fueled by Creative Coding Set Margins -BOOK
Oliver Vodeb , Jason Grant What is post-branding? How to Counter Fundamentalist Set Margins -BOOK
Silvio Lorusso What Design Can’t Do Essays on Design and Disillusion Set Margins -BOOK
Afonso Matos Who can afford to be critical? An inquiry into what we can’t do alone, as designers, and into what w Set Margins' Publications -BOOK
Karen Lofgren emBRUJAda Charms for the Living Set Margins' Publications -BOOK
Ian Callender, Annie Dell'Aria Provocations on Media Architecture Set Margins' Publications -BOOK
Freek Lomme Can you feel it? Effectuating tactility and print in the contemporary Set Margins' Publications -BOOK
Danah Abdulla Designerly ways of knowing: a working inventory of things a designer should know Set Margins -BOOK
M. Guarnaccia Cross Cultural Chairs Set Margins -BOOK
N. Nova, A Bestiary Of The Anthropocene Set Margins -BOOK
Ian Lynam The Impossibility Of Silence: Writing For Designers, Artists & Photographers Set Margins -BOOK
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